
It is super important we stick to the allergens listed in our playbooks and the allergen matrix we present to customers on the delivery platforms.


Our allergen information:

When people with severe allergies come into contact with an allergy, they can go through a reaction called anaphylaxis which is dangerous and potentially life-threatening.

Food operators in the UK are therefore required to provide allergen information. Sessions provides customers with a list of allergens present in each of our menu items before purchase on Deliveroo, Uber, and JustEat.

It is your legal responsibility to handle food allergens effectively and safely in your business. That includes making sure that your equipment usage (fryers, flattops, etc.) is in line with the allergen information we provide you.

  • You will find a full allergen chart in your Sessions brand playbook.
  • Please ensure you have the most recent playbook and allergen chart printed and displayed on site and that your staff know where to find it and how to read it.


Training materials:

  • The Food Standards Agency provides a free food allergy training course where your staff can sign up and learn to handle allergens safely.
  • They also provide allergy posters that you can print and display on site.
  • There are posters available in English, Welsh, Bengali, Cantonese, Punjabi, and Urdu.

We recommend and make and print your own recipe cards for each of your own menu items to display, to make sure that you and your staff are as informed and prepared as possible.


The 14 allergens

There are many different types of allergies that a customer may contact you to ask about, but the most common allergens that are legally required to be declared are often referred to as the “14 allergens”.

The 14 allergens are: 

Screenshot 2023-06-08 at 11.09.53Always check your products for information regarding allergens.


If you ever have to substitute a product when a Sessions brand product is out of stock, you must ensure that the replacement product lines up with the allergen matrix listed in the playbook!


Allergens in your site

Whether it’s allergens in your own food or allergens in Sessions brands’ required ingredient list, you must make sure you are taking steps to prevent cross-contamination at all costs.

There are many things you and your staff can do:

  1. Clearly mark your equipment and fryers with allergens cooked in/on them to avoid mistakes.
  2. Always thoroughly clean cooking utensils and equipment with soap and hot water before and after usage.
  3. Do a full cleandown after you have prepared a food item containing allergens. A full cleandown involves: washing with hot soapy water, rinsing with clean water, disinfecting with a contact chemical, and drying with disposable paper towels.
  4. Make sure you are storing food safely in containers with lids. Allergen products should always be stored underneath non-allergen products in your fridges and freezers to avoid cross-contamination.

For more information, please visit the FSA’s allergen checklist for food businesses to ensure you and your staff are always following safe practices.


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Useful links: