Deliveroo Value Program - Benefits

Keep reading to see an explaantion of some of the benefits you can qualify for on the new Deliveroo Value Program.

  • Value Tags (New) - Tags such as “Large portion sizes” will appear on your menu when customers are searching (not just when clicking into reviews).
    • These tags are based on customer reviews. 
  • Value Carousels (New) - New carousels such as “Top Rated Dishes under £10” that apply to key cuisines. 
    • Carousels appear on the home page for customers when they're deciding what to order, should help boost exposure and new customers.
  • Priority in offer carousel - Offer carousel already exists but has been adjusted to provide priority to “Good” or “Great”.

  • Deliveroo’s Choice (New) - Recommended sites by Deliveroo which is shown to customers as either a pop up,  tag or a badge.

  • Redirective merchandising (New) - Deliveroo recommends a site with a “Great” score to customers when they are on the page of a site nearby with an “Action” or “Improve” score.
    • This is clearly a strong benefit for those with “Great” score but will adversely affect our lower scored partners with a drop in conversion very likely. 
  • Deliveroo funded offers - Deliveroo will fund Tasty Thursdays offer for those that qualify.