Payment FAQs

How do I see a breakdown of what I have been paid?

Weekly statements will be emailed to you every Friday, for the period (Mon - Sun) before. You will get a consolidated statement for each delivery platform which includes a total view across all your sites.


What does my statement mean? I don’t understand my statement!

    • Every Friday you will receive your statements for the prior week (Mon-Sun).
    • You will get an email from “” which will include Proceeds Report and Fee Invoices in one statement.
      • Proceeds Report - Your statement of your revenue and fees charged by Sessions, leaving you with the profit earned that week which you will get paid for in the following week. This report will show you revenue and fees split by platform and brand. There is now only one report detailing everything you need. 
      • Fee Invoices - This is a VAT invoice for any fees/costs we have charged you, so you can claim the VAT back.

Click here for more detail on how to read your financial statement.


Are there any additional fees?

These deductions are deducted from your payout figure as they are a separate costs.

      • Total Sessions fee - This is the % Sessions fee we charge on your revenue, the % can be seen on your statement, VAT is separated
      • Onboarding Fee - As per your contract this is your set up fee costs (usually charged per brand). The total agreed amount as per your contract will be split over the course of four-five weeks (or until fully paid)
      • Tech fee - As per your contract this £30 per week cost covers the cost of all Sessions tech you are using. This is an ongoing weekly charge you will incur
      • Mystery Shopper - As per your contract this is the cost of any mystery shopping costs which may occur once a month
      • Miscellaneous - likely to be blank, would be used in case of additional charges
      • Marketing Ads - these are the adverts that you have agreed upon to pay to maximise your Order Value on a weekly basis 


I’m not VAT registered, please can you not charge me VAT on your fees or packaging?

As we are a VAT registered company we legally have to charge VAT on all our fees so we unfortunately cannot remove it. 


Why is my dashboard different to my statement?

  • Otter Vs Statement - Discounts, promotions, refunds are not deducted from your Otter reports - it is solely sales - this also relates to the sales on you hub/tablet/tickets
  • Statement – your final figures AFTER discounts and promotions


When do I get paid?

Our payment schedule breakdown is as follows:

  • You will receive a statement on a Friday of the rent payable in the In-house and Delivery Channel
  • You will be paid out weekly on a Wednesday. The payout you receive is the previous Friday’s statement.


2. You will receive your Order Value minus any Sessions fees. Sessions fees can include the following:
  • Commission fees
  • Onboarding fees
  • Tech fees
  • Marketing ads


Is there an onboarding fee?

Sessions onboarding fee per menu will be recharged to you over a five week period can be subject to more if order value is low. This will be taken off your weekly statements that get sent out. (Onboarding fee only charged once per menu).

But if your payment due from Sessions is less than additional fees (ie. onboarding, packaging) due to be added to your statement that week, the charges will be pushed back to the following week once your payment is high enough to cover them.


I just joined - why have I not been paid?

You are paid on the Wednesday after your first Friday statement. E.g., if you launched on a Wednesday, you will get your first statement the following Friday (second week). Then your first statement the following Wednesday (third week).


How long am I on discount for?

The discount cycle runs as follows:
  1. The first five weeks, all menus display 20% off for all customers
  2. After the 5 weeks, you will be put on a continuous 20% off for only new customers
  3. All sites are signed up to rewards/loyalty programs on all platforms in order to drive customer retention
All the above is outlined in your contract. If you want to opt out of discounting then please let us know. Any additional discounts e.g., Free Delivery, will be communicated to you via Whatsapp and email with the option to opt out of these special discounts.


What types of marketing do you offer? Can I pay for ads on the platforms?

We work hard on building the brands and their following to drive as many customers to you as possible. We offer marketer ads/PPC as rewards for consistently well performing Hosts. You are also able to buy packages from us to activate this if you wish.


Who do I contact to change my bank detail?
We pay out every Wednesdays, if you want to change your bank details please submit before Wednesday so we can pay into your new bank account

  • Restaurant Name:
  • Payee Name:
  • Bank Name:
  • Sort Code:
  • Account Number:

and Send to


How do I process a refund?

We automatically contest all refunds on Deliveroo and Uber for all of our partners on refunds over £5.00. 

All contested refunds will show on your invoice every Friday.

Click here for more on contesting refunds.