The Sessions Score

Sessions Score looks to reward our hosts for their good operational performance.  Each fortnight you will be eligible to receive up to 3% cash-back on your sales! This will be available via your new Serve Dashboard - you will receive an email invite

We ran a short webinar explaining this - please see the recording here, and the slides here.


You need to have ordered all of the tier 1 approved SKUs recently to be eligible to receive your cash back.


As part of the programme we are looking to reward sites who perform well in 4 key areas. 

  • Open Rate - The percentage of hours that you are online and ready to accept orders
  • Missing Items - Items that are missing or incorrect in orders
  • New Ratings - The average ratings that customers leave
  • Tier 1 Ingredient Compliance - Ordering and using tier 1 skus for orders



  • You will receive a score for Open Rate, Missing Items and New Ratings. 
  • The lowest of these scores will correspond to how much cashback you are eligible for. 
  • To be eligible for cashback you will need to make sure that you have ordered all tier one ingredients. 
  • At the end of each fortnight you will “bank” the cashback
  • Cashback will be paid out every 12 weeks.

For the first few weeks, we will be running the Sessions Score and the old Open Rate incentive at the same time to give you time to make any relevant changes and get up to speed.

See a table below that shows how it works! Remember the lowest value determines your score.


Screenshot 2024-04-23 at 10.42.07


Below you can see an example of the dashboard that you will be given access to in the coming weeks. Keep an eye out for the email giving you access.

Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 16.56.58



Q: What decides how much cash-back I get?

As shown below you will receive a score for Open Rate, Missing Items, New Ratings. The lowest of these scores will correspond to how much cashback you are eligible for.  However, you need to have ordered all of the tier 1 approved SKUs recently to be eligible to receive your cash back.


Q: When will I receive my cashback?

You will be paid back your cashback every 12 weeks.


Q: What if I haven’t ordered the approved ingredients?

You will not bank any cashback for that fortnight.


Q: How will I know which ingredients I forgot to order?

The dashboard will let you know which ingredients you did not order in the past 8 weeks.


Q: Will the 1% open rate incentive still be included?

No, sessions score will be replacing this. But for the first few weeks they will overlap and we will be running the Sessions Score and the old Open Rate incentive at the same time to give you time to make any relevant changes and get up to speed. The 19th May is the end-date for the open rate scheme.